shenzhou capital trading conditions

While the Forex market is open five days a week, 24 hours a day, different CFD instruments such as indices and shares are unavailable only while their corresponding Stock Exchanges are open. The table below shows the open market hours for all our tradable products. It is important to note that the server time of our terminals is EET. Please note that Eastern European Time is one of the names of UTC+02:00 time zone, 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time. The zone uses daylight saving time and converts to UTC+3:00 during the summer.

Asset Open Close Trading Break
AUDCAD 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
AUDCHF 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
AUDJPY 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
AUDNZD 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
AUDUSD 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
CADCHF 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
CADJPY 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
CHFJPY 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURAUD 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURCAD 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURCHF 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURGBP 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURHUF 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURJPY 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
EURMXN 00:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 23:58 – 00:02 Daily
Asset Open Close Trading Break
XAUEUR 01:00 Mon 23:45 Fri 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
XAGUSD 01:00 Mon 23:45 Fri 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
XPTUSD 01:00 Mon 23:45 Fri 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
USOIL 01:00 Mon 23:45 Fri 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
CL_BRENT 03:00 Mon 24:00 Fri 24:00 – 03:00 Daily
NGAS 01:00 Mon 23:45 Fri 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
Asset Open Close Trading Break
US 16:30 Mon 23:00 Fri
GB 10:00 Mon 18:30 Fri
FR 10:00 Mon 18:30 Fri
DE 10:00 Mon 18:30 Fri
CH 10:00 Mon 18:20 Fri
ES 10:00 Mon 18:30 Fri
NL 10:00 Mon 18:30 Fri
Asset Open Close Trading Break
AUS_200 01:50 Mon 22:00 Fri 08:30 – 09:10 & 23:00 – 01:50 Daily
ESP_35 10:00 Mon 21:00 Fri 21:00 – 10:00 Daily
EUR_50 09:00 Mon 23:00 Fri 23:00 – 09:00 Daily
FRA_40 09:00 Mon 23:00 Fri 23:00 – 09:00 Daily
GBR_100 03:00 Mon 23:00 Fri 23:15 – 23:30 & 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
GER_30 09:00 Mon 23:00 Fri 23:00 – 09:00 Daily
HKG_50 04:15 Mon 18:45 Fri 07:00 – 08:00 & 11:15 – 12:00 & 18:45 – 04:15 Daily
NAS100 01:00 Mon 23:15 Fri 23:15 – 23:30 & 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
SPX500 01:00 Mon 23:15 Fri 23:15 – 23:30 & 24:00 – 01:00 Daily
US30 01:00 Mon 23:15 Fri 23:15 – 23:30 & 24:00 – 01:00 Daily

Forex Leverage Explained

What is Forex Leverage?

Forex Leverage is defined as the use of borrowed capital, such as “margin” allowing the Forex trader to gain access to larger sums of capital. This can heighten profits and losses and should be used wisely.

Examples of Forex Leverage

Forex Trader A has $5,000 USD:

If Forex Trader A has an account leverage of 10:1and they wish to use $1,000 on one Forex trade as margin, they will have exposure of $10,000 in base currency ($1000) = 10 x $1,000 = $10,000 (trade value).

Forex Trader B has $5,000 USD:

If Forex Trader B has an account leverage of 100:1and they wish to use $1,000 on one Forex trade as margin, they will have exposure of $100,000 in base currency ($1,000) = 100 x $1,000 = $100,000 (trade value).

Access up to


Leverage on FX

What Leverage does Shenzhou Capital offer?

Shenzhou Capital’s standard Forex leverage starts at 100:1. The maximum Forex leverage Shenzhou Capital may offer is up to 400:1. This is only for approved accounts and funds approved for leverage greater than 100:1 will be limited.

If you wish to get access to higher Forex leverage, please note this on the application or contact us. By submitting an increase in trade leverage request, you accept that this can result in high risk and severe or total account loss. Shenzhou Capital is a non-advisory Forex broker and will not provide you with investment or personal trading advice.

Margin Forex is very high risk and leverage should be used wisely.

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How to submit a Forex Leverage change request?

Use the below button to request a Forex leverage change to you’re Shenzhou Capital MetaTrader 5.



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Forex Slippage Explained

What is Forex slippage?

When you’re trading Forex, sometimes you’ll notice a slight difference between the price you expect and the execution price (the price when the FX trade is completed). When this happens, it’s known as slippage. It’s a common thing to experience as a Forex trader and it can work either positively or negatively.

The main reasons for slippage are Forex market volatility and execution speeds. When a market experiences high volatility it generally means there’s low liquidity and market prices fluctuate very quickly. Where this affects Forex traders is when there’s not enough FX Shenzhou Capital to fill an order at the requested price. When this happens, the shenzhou capital provider will complete the trade at the next best price.

Another cause for slippage is execution speed. This is how fast your Electronic Communication Network (ECN) can complete your trade at the price you want it to. With market prices changing in fractions of a second, having faster execution times can make a difference, especially on large trades.

Examples of Forex Slippage

Say that the price of the AUD/USD was 0.9010. After analysing the market, you speculate that it’s on an upward trend and long a one standard lot trade at the now current price of AUD/USD 0.9050, expecting to execute at the same price of 0.9050.

The market follows the trend but goes past your execution price and up to 0.9060 very quickly – within a second. Because your expected price of 0.9050 is not available in the market, you’re offered the next best available price. For the sake of the example, that price is 0.9045. In this case, you would experience positive slippage:

0.9050 – 0.9045 = 0.0005, or +5 pips.

On the other hand, let’s say your trade was executed at 0.9055. You would then experience negative slippage:

0.9050 – 0.9045 = 0.0005, or +5 pips.

It’s important to note that slippage can occur with all types of requested orders including Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy/Sell Stops and Buy/Sell Limit Orders. As Shenzhou Capital uses market execution, we cannot guarantee such orders.

We operate under Market Execution and for this reason, we are unable to fill a Forex order that no longer exists. If your requested price is no longer available, your order will be filled by our FX Shenzhou Capital providers at the going market rate.

Spreads from


Pips on FX

Forex Live spreads

Tight Spreads & Live Forex Spreads

A spread is essentially the difference between the bid and the ask price. As traders always trade one currency for another, Forex currencies are often quoted based on the current price compared to the other. To make things easy, they are written in pairs. E.g. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/US Dollar) – AUD is the ‘base currency’ and USD is the ‘counter’. If it takes $1.5 AUD to buy $1 USD, this would be written as 1.5/1.

Get some of the lowest spreads in the industry when you choose to open and trade on a Vantage RAW ECN account. Trade on institutional grade Shenzhou Capital that is sourced directly from some of the world’s biggest banks without any mark-up applied at our end. Shenzhou Capital and access to tight spreads for as low as zero, is no longer just the domain of hedge funds.

How to see live spreads on Vantage MT5 Platform

  1. Open the Market Watch on Vantage MT5 Platform
  2. Right click inside the Market Watch and select ‘Spreads’
  3. Now, there will be a 4th column displaying the Spread for each Forex currency pair, Commodity, or Indices market

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